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Activity 1
1.chronicle                    a)a group of people, nation, or country he conquers and brings them under control by force
2.chronic                    b)one undertaken usually to overthrow or do significant harm to a government or other institution
3.subversive                    c)to join objects together by linking them one after the other
4.subjugate                    d)sharing a common border; touching
5.describable                    e)to tell or depict in written or spoken words
6.transcribe                    f)to put into written or printed form
7.concatenate                    g)a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence
8.contiguous                    h)removing an item by cutting it out
9.excise                    i)Relating to time; according to time
10.incision                    j)a surgical cut made in skin or flesh
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Activity 2

                               1. The story did not progress in _________ order, therefore it was difficult to follow.
                                    a)subsume       b)proscribe       c)chronological       d)intestate

                               2.The __________ eagerly served his superiors.
                                    a)subservient       b)ascribe       c)ingrate       d)chronon

                               3.The official rule was _________ and declared to the public.
                                    a)suborned       b) proscribed       c)congealed      d)chronographed

                               4.The scientists __________ their ideas to make a superior hypothesis.
                                    a)conflated       b)subterfuged       c)chronometered       d)prescribe

                               5.An _________ was made to the novel to shorten it.
                                    a)subsume       b)chronologists       c)scribal      d) excision

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